Wednesday, November 01, 2006

There are 34 Bathrooms in the White House and other fun Facts.

There are 34 Bathrooms in the White House and other fun Facts.

I had joked about learning about the world from bubblegum wrappers.

Actually if you study bubble gum packaging; you could learn quite a bit about advertising and communications in such a small space.

I have not chewed bubble gum in years. I found an attractively packaged box of chewing gum by the Dubble Bubble Gum Company a few days ago and sprung for the purchase price of $1.20 to relive some old childhood memories. Well it was interesting in that after a couple pieces of gum; I had picked up the impression about knowing the website address to the company. Its not a hard address… But where did I see it printed?

Well I looked all around the outside of the box holding the 25 pieces of gum. There was no mention of a website. It surprised me since, quite a number of food products do mention their websites somewhere in the fine print.

Well after looking around… I found the website address mentioned as a one liner on the tiny 2 inch by 1 inch “Funnies” paper scrap that is used as an inner wrapper. I had picked that piece of information up subconsciously as I looked at the latest adventures of comic Character Pud. ( Pud?)

I think this is an excellent example of passing a message in such a small space.

What about the 34 bathrooms at the White House?

Well that was a factoid shared at the bottom of the comic strip.

May all your writing carry the intended message!

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