Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Sarah Palin - Can you think of 1000 + blog topics?

Sarah Palin - Can you think of 1000 + blog topics to write?
I agree that I was quite shocked about the McCain
announcement on Friday August 29th.

I thought the Republican Convention would be very quiet.

Out of the Blue ... Sarah Palin is now in the limelight. This really shook up many people, almost by a "storm"

My mind was loaded with so many questions...

So much so that I used a number of my web analysis tools
to find out what people were thinking of about Sarah Palin.

The result was quite a bit of information. So something
struck me.. Why should only the big media Write about this

I pulled this information together for anyone to use,
whether they are a blogger or someone who writes all day
long. I hope this information will be useful when someone
wants to write something new about Sarah Palin

I couldn't believe it, but I found some 1000 + unique keywords that were centered around the topic of Sarah Palin. This was from huge of some 30,000 keywords that circled around her name. I couldn't possibly think on my own a list of some 1000 article ideas, but this list has it! I suppose If I wanted to write some web content about Sarah Palin, that this would be a great resource.

I already tried some basic searches for new domain names related to Sarah Palin and noticed that a number of people are registering domains that relate to Sarah Palin

I found a number of responses saying that "this domain is already registered" This report has some 800+ domains that have been researched and show their status as of a few days ago. I have saved time by picking some good domain names from the list. I don't know how long this will be sold. But the address is

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

SEO Writing Fundamentals can assist you maintaining focus

SEO Writing Fundamentals can assist you maintaining focus

I know now that SEO Writing Fundamentals can assist
you maintaining focus with your articles that you create
for your website , blog or article submissions.

I say this from personal daily experience. I have noticed
that my style of communications has been changed as a
result of the world wide web and its many services that
are easily interrupt your life.

Case in point. This very topic makes me think if I should
write freehand or research the topic in order to create a
series of articles. You have decide at some point to draw
the line on how much you pre-plan your writing or simply
to get the message out. This combined with the fact that
in this modern era of interruption, you have to use as
many tools as possible to keep your mind on track with
the basic thought. How many times have you wanted to
respond to an article or blog while you have multiple
interruptions crossing your desk, phone or just personal
communications in your home or office? This interruptive
process seems to escalate as more people recognize you
as a communicator. Why not simply contact the person
directly rather than search if they have already written
on the subject?

I have seen many examples where with good intentions
I have replied to an exciting post and made the mistake
of composing an interesting reply, only to be dragged
away by a flaming issue. The result is the web server
hosting my response has timed out before having the
submit button being pressed. The result is lost
information for the readers of my post and myself. Do not
forget the waste of time or brain power lost in such a

By placing in mind some basic SEO Writing Fundamentals
in the structure of your document will continue to keep
the reader interested as you are not wandering far off
the main topic.

So what are on the minds of people when you choose a
topic to write? Well for example I am talking about SEO
Writing Fundamentals , so it may be interesting to
comment on types of writing where many people are
asking questions on style form or function. Search Engine
tools can reveal some interesting trends. I took a quick
look to see what are some commonly search terms
relating to writing. Using a complicated set of filters
might result in an ugly article, but I did find some
interesting related topics that people need additional
information as they surf the web.

Chinese Writing is a commonly searched term on the
internet. So many people are becoming more interested
in communicating with a huge number of people of a
nation that is growing economically. there are more
services appearing on the web every day about writing
in different Chinese styles, yet if you ask many Chinese;
they wish to speak English as a business language!

Resume Writing and resume samples are an area where
many people know that in such a few short words can
determine their career, future standard of living, or even
how much they enjoy the majority of the waking hours of
their day. Choosing just a few words can make the
difference on whether a person contacts you for that
interview. Keyword Research was around far longer than
Google simply in order to optimize that resume.

Creative Writing is the entryway for many areas as
people continue to wish to learn about how they can
express themselves with effectiveness. Choose the
correct words and sentence structure and you might
have your book for sale on

Navy memo writing would seem to be off topic until you
realize that the U.S. Navy Generates a hug amount of
communications that is directed to operation centers
around the world. The U.S Navy has created a stir due to
showing that they can save hundreds of millions of
dollars each year with more efficient communications.
There are software tools now available that help focus a
writer to speak in a more active voice with a reduction in
word count. Editing can improve communications simply
by removing excessive words.

When is the last time you had to Write a Resolution ?
You would be if you are writing about board meeting
minutes or results.

The art of outline writing was lost at one point due to
modern methods of writing. However the old teachers
new better. Outlines are in many ways the basis of
current topic and search engine research. Think of meta
tags, keywords, titles, urls and you will see that a
carefully written outline will make your entire job of
information presentation much easier.

Essay writing continues to be a popular topic. Today
people have much more resources to create an essay.
But sometimes you are overloaded with too much
information. SEO Writing Fundamentals can play a part in
picking what is the most important related to your topic.

You can research yourself into oblivion before writing a
single word. That does no good, but on the other hand
do you look at if you are writing about someone is
interested? I find SEO analysis tools helpful as it
teaches you the truth about certain topics. You may find
that you are on a long quest for branding of a subject
area if you are writing about topics that have little
interest or content on the web. At least you know the
scale of your work. Do you believe enough in the subject
to personally drive the content and direction of your
selected theme on the web If you find that you are
writing about subjects that have little, interest?

SEO Writing Fundamentals can guide your thoughts to a
successful completed thought or be a creation that
simply tries to appeal to the search engines. The
ultimate test is if people read your prose and continue to
look forward to the next article.

Dexter Babcock

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Highest Merchant Cash Advance Amounts video

Talking on the Seashore. A quick look at the:

Highest Merchant Cash Advance Amounts video

This video describes an opportunity of getting a cash advance against your credit card receivables. The opening audio is familiar as it has been used in other video productions. I was surprised that it was not a talking head video, but they actually did an on site shot of a person talking at the seashore.


Friday, April 04, 2008

What Channel are your communicating on?

What Channel are your communicating on?

What channel are you communication on can be a very important piece of information when judging your success or failure in interacting with any one or dog. So often we do not come across successfully and wonder why we fail in making a point, a presentation or a a sale. Have you checked lately on what ways you are really speaking to your audience. Are you accomplishing your goal of your message or simply waisting every one's time.

People will seek advice on communications for those critical meetings. Sometimes professional or just from the circle of friends you have accumulated over time. Take heart! It is proof enough that you do communicate well. You have some friends! Have you considered that you may be lucky to have in house communications coaches in your own home?

I have two dogs who are close companions to my family. We are lucky enough to have matching personalities who have built trust with each other. The humans in the household have not confused who are humans and who are dogs. I have read enough about the humans playing the part of the lead or Alpha Dog role etc, so we skip that part! :)

We do come close to thinking on the same wavelength at times and certainly learn from our communication interactions. Sometimes I can apply them for outside the species communications.

Just the other day my dog Max has been enjoying some great dog treats bought from the store. The people who make these treats know their craft well as the smells that roll out of the dog snack container are really oderifically delicious ... Even for a human! A dog's nose works so many million times better than a human, so I can only imagine what signals he receives! So what does this all mean?

When I reach down and pull a snack out with my hands, a certain amount of snack oils , smells and what not gets stuck on my hands. So I continue to smell like a great tasting snack long after my dog has gulped down this succulent treat. My dog thanks me for the treat. I pat him on the head. He stays glued right where I am sitting , standing or walking. Sure he like me. But he really is hoping I have another snack in my hand! :)

An oblivious person might think that the dog really is in rapture with your company. Sure Max likes me; but he is hoping all that wonderful smell is still attached another doggie treat!

I talk with the dog. I pat his head. He looks lovingly at me and sends me signals. I could be talking about tearing about and rebuilding an old dot matrix printer and my dog would react the same. Great! Where is another treat! :)

The magic passes. Eventually that wonderful dog treat smell leaves me. Max thanks me and wanders off. So he really now knows more about Dot Matrix Printer Repair! I can't wait to tell him how to fix a blender!

Next time you talk with someone and they look at you in rapture. Just make sure that they are smiling at what you talking about and not the tuna fish sandwich in your hand.


Tuesday, April 01, 2008 A Job site for a specific Niche A Job site for a specific Niche is an example where one can search for "jobs and job openings" or "job search", but what is SAP ?

This is a specific example where the webdesigners who promise a new look assume that you know exactly what is SAP. Its almost a screening mechanism so that people who work with SAP will use this website for job and career search, while people who have no clue either investigate outside of the website to know more what SAP exactly might be, or go away and look at another website.

This is pulled from the top of the website:

SAPCrossing constantly tracks the hiring needs of more than 250,000
Fastest-growing job database in the world
Jobs from Fortune
500 and other top companies
Hundreds of employees finding and adding jobsaround the clock

So if you need to look for a SAP job, you may want to visit

All you need to know is if you know anything about SAP! :)



Thoughts in Web Design :

Thoughts in Web Design :

The format or structure of a website design can tell you much of the plan or lack of plans of a particular company.

I stumbled across the other day and found that they are another example of being very purposeful in showing significant reasons why to look further into their offerings.

Websites can change in a blink. When I looked at it recently, I found it to really concentrate on the "above the fold" with very strong bullet points and graphics to emphasize certain key points:

Trust America's Top Job-Opening Research Institution With Your Job Search The only job-opening research institution in the world whose mission is to track down every job opening through research, offering:
A comprehensive collection of over 1 million researched job openings
Job openings from all Fortune 500 companies
Job openings from virtually every employer career webpage in America
Job openings from virtually every job board in America
More than 500 highly trained job-opening research analysts reviewing jobs Tell us where to send your access instructions:

Where did I get the above key points? Right from the top of the webpage!

One half of the top banner posting these points has a building which is titled "Pasadena CA Research Facility" The web designers worked hard to integrate the colors of the website with this substantial looking building. No its not a skyscraper. Its a place of work. There is much pull in its look to me. This building is full of serious minded people who will help me in my job search efforts.

Scroll down below the "fold" of the browser page and you will see much more detail of what they are going to do, who they work with and what tools they offer to help in your sales related career.

You scroll back to the top of the web page and only then notice the navigation links. They are there for your use, but they were not intended to be emphasized or explored until you took a look at the overall view of the front webpage design.

This is a just a surface look at the presentation of the website. Whether it is well designed with all the hidden tags or website design elements that make search engines excited is a completely different story.

Take a look at . It might give you inspiration for your next communication presentation.



Monday, March 31, 2008

Security Goat and Bread

A Security Goat and bread can be a fun communications puzzle.

I was inspired to write this after looking at Debra's Random Thoughts
blog post on visiting the The Jambbas Ranch. Debra shares a bit of
her family's experience visiting the Jambbas Ranch. I enjoyed
looking at the photos of the ranch and the goats. What triggered
me to post this note was what do goats think of when some
humans come by to visit? Goats have in many cases been rated as
smarter than dogs. Sorry Max the dog. I have heard this from several
sources. I can only guess what whirls in the minds of these very
independant creatures.

I speak of goat interaction and communication from personal experience.
I have had a number of visitors come by to see the
different humans and animals at my home. I am not sure who is
having more fun; the animals or the visitors! My collection of animals
are spoiled since they are the lucky recipients of my sourdough
baking experiments. So this means quite a bit of extra homemade
bread that they can enjoy. So if the oven is busy, a few people
dropping by can have the fun of sharing the extras with the different
creatures including one very specific security goat that has a "job" of
patrolling the neighbors property.

I have a goat that lived on my property, but lately has been moved
over to a neighbor's field at the owner's request. The owner was
given the full rundown of goat operations and caveats. Likewise he
has passed the same information to people visiting or working on
his property. However its only recently that he has discovered how
serious the goat is about monitoring the property. The goat is
usually terribly busy watching the open field and interrogating
visitors that cross the property line, However if we are lucky; he will
cross over the field to visit someone who has the appropriate food
offering. He does a much better job than a wireless and mobile
security camera.
Works for peanuts and tin cans!

But what does he think when a stranger comes by with some
familiar smelling and tasting food? Does he think this is payment for
his job as a Security Goat? Is there some accounting system in his
brain that gives you a go past one goat for free access slip? I am
not sure.

What I do know is that he takes his job as a security goat very
seriously. He acts like a compass pointing in a goat straight line to
any one invading his security zone. He is at times bored with this
tedious job. So its with great excitement when someone crosses
"his" property.

This lately has been the case with contractors working on a new foundation
for a building on the property. I hate to say that contractors working in rural
areas should have some goat orientation training before working on open land.

Some people appear to have experience, others not as the security goat reports
their behavior. The worst way for you to get into a head butting
situation is to go ahead and challenge the goat. In my case, the
goat thinks that someone trying to chase him or other activities that
would scare the typical animal is just a form of playing. The most
humorous recent example was watching someone running towards
the goat and making professional boxing maneuvers.

Some people who work on my neighbor's property fare well with the
goat, including having the goat "help" them by poking around their
work. Others are not so fortunate and some cases literally butt
heads. Lucky for them the goat is a miniature goat, but he thinks he
is the size of a horse! :) My neighbor has grown to appreciate the
goat's efforts at protecting the property.

The visit to Jambbas Ranch is an entirely different thing. I have been
told they have entertainment goats rather than guard goats! :)
So if Abbie and Sarah come visit, just make sure they are prepared
with their sourdough bread offerings and they will be in good
company with the local security goat!

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Commuications in Action.. The Maine Lobster Giveaway

The Maine Lobster Giveaway

The Internet is full of inventive people. This is a great example of leveraging other people's time, creating some product interest and having some fun! :)

The people or lobsters at have conspired to get your attention through a lobster giveaway! :)

The prize..... ?? Some free lobster of course... A $100 LobsterGram Gift Certificate !

What does it take to get into the fun...

Hmm Dunking into a pot of hot water? NO

Walking up and down the street in a funny suit? No!

Scraping barnacles? No.

Actually it is easy. In fact I am in the claws of their plans as I tell you about it..... :)

Contest Rules cribbed from their web page...

The Contest Rules are very simple. Remember Comment away on my posts.. That is fine... ! But go ahead and check the lobster headquarters at....

Comment on this post (Or Any Post) and tell them a Maine Lobster Story…

Tell them....

Why you love Maine Lobster..
Your favorite way to eat Maine Lobster.
Or just tell us a funny story about Lobster.
Submit a quality story or comment and you’ve got 1 Entry in their Contest. (1 entry per participant)
Want more entries?
Link to and we’ll give you 3 More Entries!
Write a blog post (with link) about FreshMaineLobster or this contest and get 6 More Entries!
Max 7 Entries Per Participant
Contest Ends May 1st
Winner will be notified via Email

So have some fun! Communicate away! Perhaps you may see a lobstergram clicking away in your direction!

Remember! I am just spreading the news about the contest! I am not giving away lobster... Now where are my oyster crackers...

BTW... Why are they doing this.. Well links to your website always helps! :)
