Sunday, October 07, 2007
What mood are you in for news?
I am always looking for new ways to communicate and share moods, feelings, attitudes and perspectives. Direct communications of knowledge is important, but at times its good to know what others are thinking as well. Perhaps a sanity test for yourself when you read an article on the web. Well the other day I came accross and interesting site called .
It seemed like another simple story collating service or just a means of announcing certain articles. So many exist out there! But I was surprised by a simple little drop down list at the top of the website that asked how I wanted to FEEL.
I wasn't kidding you. Not search by article category or author.. But how I wanted to feel about a particular article or subject. Well at the moment I really needed to hear to some heart warming news. So I selected I wanted to be "most happy"
There were some interesting articles listed. One gave me a smile was titled: News: Couple Has Online Affair With Each Other by Mistake
Way at the top of the website is listed the moniker... "Search by feel" I laughed at the possible unintended humor in that as well.
Give it a whirl. I suspect you are only seeing the beginning of articles and news marketed by feeling!
Thursday, June 28, 2007
Spotted Owls and where do they fit in burning forest?
It seems that the spotted owl never really goes away. We have been assured that its an endangered species, but somehow it maintains its numbers to come back in full flight for the news at certain critical points.
Lately the South Lake Tahoe fire has been featured prominently in the news. However quite a bit of press has been involved once again about the plight, flight and habitat of this creature of the woods.
Here is quite an interesting transcript of a Rush Limbaugh show discussing the topic.
Rush Limbaugh's recent take on the Spotted Owl
To me this is a perfect example of how a primary news story ... The South Lake Tahoe Fire... gets hijacked by a secondary story... The spotted owl.
I understand Rush's points in the transcript. However it seems that he is catering as well the maneuvering of the main story to a subtopic by by certain interested parties. Worrying about one creature type in an ecosystem by a huge fire. Who is representing the plight of the non-migrating Northwest Mushroom?
So this discussion about owls simply directs additional press and attention to the subtopic rather than the main topic. The South Lake Tahoe fire is being commented on as being the worst fire that has been seen in over a century! This is of course not only referring to the current crisis , but the additional fire potential in the area. But somehow the spotted owl seems to be nabbing quite a bit of press and attention.
So as the various owl types are being discussed:
Spotted Owls - Dragged into all kinds of debates about their degree of being endangered, and its habitat requirements. The result of which changed many aspects of human habitat and livelihood through extreme changes in forest policy. Guess what? Various groups are learning that they may have been wrong on some of its requirements. Will these groups help undo the damage to human habitat and livelihood?
Non-Spotted Owls - I haven't heard too much about these owls lately. Except for the old television and magazine ads for Cigars... I only see some cameo appearances in movies. Are they they intellectual elite in the Owl World?
The Barred Owl - a Google search today reveals that "barred owl" appears on some 479,000 web pages. I must admit that I don't follow owl species as closely as possible, but I understand that they really "LIKE" the spotted owl. They "LIKE" (this is a family oriented blog) so much that they want to cross breed the Spotted owl out of existence. No they are not the Horned Owl or the Horny Owl. Its the Barred Owl. Do Barred Owls publish web pages to get leads on potential locations for Spotted Owls?
So the fire rages on. Hopefully it will shortly be put under control. Incidentally over two hundred structures and countless other types of property destroyed so far. Unfortunately this means that many people no matter what position they have on the topic of Spotted Owls or the Northwest Forest Plan will be far to busy trying to save people and property before worrying about how many owls survived the conflagration.
The owls will somehow determine at the next owl convention how many survived the fire. Are there any owl rescue services out there?
So this blog has been hijacked as well. It was really just a thinly disguised ploy to get Barred Owls more attention. I don't know how many BarredOwl/Spotted Owl Dating services are out there. No doubt someone will ask for funding to make that happen.
Flash! I just went to to do a quick domain check. Guess What?
Is still available as a domain site!
No I didn't register the domain. Okay the first person to register it and take advantage of it can thank me in some small way. I know the Barred Owls may thank you. Perhaps you will get a grumble from the Spotted owls.
'Til Next time!
Stay Tuned.
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
Bypassing Corporate Security or Banging the TV..Same thing
Monday, April 09, 2007
Sank... Company capitulated and .....
I wrote a couple brief articles about my getting involved with the fun and travails of a new computer with a really new operating system. Yes I helped my friend out. Here are the original links.
Sink or Swim ? Don't know until you try? And other such ideas.
Update on Sink or Swim with a New Operating System
Well after some time after the printer/fax machine was working.. The owner of the computer called the people she bought the system .. (computer system + Fax/Printer) The result of the conversation was that the printer was too "new" and no one had turned in any empty ink cartridges ... so they could not sell her any more ink!
So this finally frosted her cookies! So with some notes and encouragement from me... She went ahead and had someone mind her small business while she buried herself in an office for an anticipated battle of a customer return.
To her surprise she found that she part of a wave of unhappy customers and that the company had apparently heard enough complaints lack of resolution of issues that they gave her an acceptable proposal.
She would keep everything except the computer system box itself.
She would ship the misbehaving computer back.
The manufacturer would send her a new tower computer with the previous version of the operating system installed. (Hurrah!)
Yes they did magically find some ink cartridges as well!
I am glad for her. She will hopefully will once again be a happy customer.
I feel sorry for the staff and management of the manufacturer who will have to cycle who knows how many systems back, refurbish and resell. I know its part a fact of life of the business... But no doubt they do not need extra work to do such on top of the normal returns!
In my opinion so much pain could have been avoided. So at best my specific contact will be again paddling water, but there still was a loss in productivity, frustration , and uncertainty.
It was only with some proactive work on the customer's part (With external guidance) to push the issue to some level of attention. I hate to think of how many doorstops were created with this mistake.
I will keep you posted as I learn of the results of their promise to correct her computer problems.
Monday, April 02, 2007
My Dog the Web 9.0 Communicator. (Part 1)
B2B - Business to Business, B2C - Business to Consumer, CPA - Cost Per Action, CPC - Cost Per Click, CPS - Cost Per Sale, CTR - Click-Through Rate, DH - Direct Hit, FFA - Free-For-All Link List ,HB - HotBot ,IM - Instant Messaging, INK - Inktomi , LS - LookSmart, MSN - Microsoft Network , NL - Northert Light , NSI - Network Solutions, PFI - Pay For Inclusion, PFP - Pay For Performance, PPC - Pay Per Click, PPCSE - Pay Per Click Search Engine , PPL - Pay Per Lead , PPS - Pay Per Sale , PV - Page View, RON - Run Of Network, ROS - Run Of Site , SEO - Search Engine Optimization , SEP - Search Engine Positioning , UV - Unique Visitor, WWW - World Wide Web , Y! - Yahoo!
Saturday, March 24, 2007
The Tales or Tails of Sweet Cron
Plantings of Sweet Cron are observed in Ohio in 2001.
Toys and SWEET CRON?
Even this Youtube video has a comment by someone who had sweet cron as a child. Something connected with them to post such related to a retro-commerical of Stretch Artmstrong.
This fellow has seen a SWEET CRON sign, but not has fallen under its spell. Maybe he just didn't get close enough to be under its spell.
Someone else has spotted it! Back in 2005! in China! Sweet Cron !
Or maybe its just safer to stay Southbound on the freeway and buy Sweet Corn for my table and not worry about it.
I never asked the farmer. No doubt the sign works very well for him. I suppose he has been very happy creating all this attention. Certainly more interesting than Sweet Corn! :) I hope he is laughing all the way to the bank with the extra business! :)
Just as I Closed this posting, I found another soul looks like they took a picture of the same sign. However it looks like they are heading south in this picture. Is the SWEET CRON signage being sneaky and changing when we are not looking? My head spins at the possibilities.
Honestly Sweet Cron people.
Of course .. I am setting myself up to be corrected. At which point I will be glad to to say like Gilda Radner used to say at the close of some of SNL Skits .. "Nevermind"
Sunday, February 18, 2007
Update on Sink or Swim with a New Operating System
I have worked too long in Technical Support Organizations to see people report issues that need to be resolved; demend service for the issue; continue to be insistant on updates to resolve their issue; but suddenly disapear when the problem is resolved. So the technical support person has no real followup by the customer to show that the work resulted in solving the problem. Even if it is not for a little bit of human satisfaction, but just to know that doing X+Y+Z does solve the issue for the next person.
The problem is that some Technical Support organizations have no clue to organize incoming information that could help them in customer support. Some know Organizations know how to do this. I know how to do this! In the case of a friend who asked for my help... There was not clean mechanism to report success or failure. I would have to wait a long time the phone support queue to update the support incident in order to simply say the issue is closed or that the problem was resolved. So there really is not much incentive to create closure with the support organization.
So I will have to satisfy myself gentle readers to say that I downloaded that update in 5 minutes on my high speed connection for my friend. ( It would have taken about 5 hours for her on her dial up to get this update) . I succeeded in un-installing the pre-installed drivers and reinstalled the new driver file set. Magically her printer/fax combo now works aok.
However it still is with horror as I watch a number of these pre-installed applications be shut down or blocked by the new operating system as it is not "compatible".
No, I placed my limits on getting her fax/printer combo working. I completed that task.
Its now up to her to continue dog paddling in the computer waters to keep posted on the latest sagas of her current operating system updates.
No doubt. I will be asked for further help... Stay tuned. :)
Saturday, February 17, 2007
Sink or Swim ? Don't know until you try? And other such..

Thursday, February 15, 2007
Widgets , Blidgets, Blogs and What not.
I have been in the computer industry long enough to know that the one one thing we are certain to see is constant change. This can be quite exciting as it is an industry where you always have an answer to the generic "what is new?" question posed by people who do not follow closely the industry and its latest developments.
So it is interesting to see how technology changes travel from the central core of a development team out to the outside "world" of the user community. It seems that the rate of acceptance and distribution is directly proportional to "I Got It Factor" . The "I Got it Factor" will someday be a mathematical formula that easily used in the distant future, but until now more cruder tools will have to be applied. The main point is that there seems to be a point where enough of the populace understands and accepts an idea, concept, thought, product, discovery to the point it can be easily related to other people. Part of this view can be distorted if you participate within specific groups that understand particular concepts and jargon. So pointing my fingers at myself .. I have to like so many people lift up out of the special pool to the "outside" in order to check if a concept has a high "I got it factor".
Case in point is an interesting concept... Widgets. This can turn to be a long discussion. However for this discussion I will concentrate on one service provided by
So For fun I Blidgeted this blog.
What is the focus and point of this blog?
Well essentially you have to tie your shoes and jump into the world of widgets in order to believe that this is a neat new thing to tinker with html on your blog or website etc. in order to have widget functionality added to your webworld. Once you have registered and installed this software, the door opens to you add many new widgets to your life. There are quite a number of widgets out there. Games, blogs, mini-stores, virtual pets, and the list grows. This has quite a bit of potential as you really could have someone else tinker with your website code and you ( being less technical) could play with tweaking adding additional widgets as you wish. You really never need to tweak that first panel code.
But the question is ... Has the technology reached the point where enough people will "tie their shoes" and give this technology a try? The webpage stats on their home page shows there is quite a bit of growth in installs. But is this another piece of technology that will have to saturate the more technical people's websites before the "I Got It Factor" reaches critical mass?
This whole concept seems to have viral possibilities... Just that the person adding that first widget still has to make that small leap to install some code on their webpage. That may be too big a leap for quite a number of people. Otherwise there will be other people who will simply play with widgets installed on other people's websites....
I still sing the praises of RSS Feeds. Quite handy! Yet I do know many casual users have no idea it is a standard feature to have an RSS news reader in many browsers. Not much work to add RSS feeds to your favorites in your browser... No code. Still every day I come across people who would no idea what I am talking about .
I suppose it all depends on what pool of knowledge you swim in or the focus of your daily life.
So look at widgets. If you blog... Consider making a blidget of your blog.
I added an Asteroids game from a publisher on my widget panel. Give it a try!
All the best
Monday, February 12, 2007
Update: How much Confusion can you have with just a few words?
Friday, February 09, 2007
How much Confusion can you have with just a few words?
A $20,000.00 valued blog entry. No I didn't I didn't get it. Maybe its worth a few for you! :)

So it was with some surprise that a friend purchased one of these "scratcher" type games at the local grocery store and gave it to me as a present. Here is a scan of the front of that game card. I read the instructions several times on the back and played the game as I thought it was intended. I was startled to find that within the first few scratches of the game, I had apparently picked the top prize! Well I wasn't going to jump up and down until I saw the check!
So I made scan copies of the ticket for my documentation in case I was a top winner. So it was with some surprise that I found that I had won a $2.00 prize rather than the top prize when the game card was validated by the store clerk. So there had to be a lesson to be learned while almost feeling like I won quite a bit of money. So with my $2.00 win, I purchased a new card, that did not win. ( So how about a blog of this experience)
It turns out that both the graphics in the front of the game and the instruction were vague on how I determined what my "coordinates" that I would pick to scratch on the grid on the bottom portion of the game. I thought I had control of the choices. In reality the game had intended me to scratch off a section labeled "Your Coordinates Top Prize $20,000.!" and use those labeled coordinates to scratch the bottom section. Not only was I fooled, but a second person looking at the front of the instructions and back of the instructions did not see that the upper section should be scratched off. You can see by my scan, that I did not scratch that top part off.
Here are the current instructions on the card:
Scratch “YOUR COORDINATES” one square at a time, to reveal your 10 coordinates on the Jetsons’ Grid. If you uncover three of the same symbol win prize indicated in the prize legend. You can win Multiple times on a ticket.
I sent a polite email today 2-9-2007 and called the state lottery offices. The person who answered the telephone was very pleasant , understanding and agreed there seemed to be an issue with the instructions. She appreciated the fact that I had contacted them and gave them a suggestion for updating the game instructions.
So I will keep you posted if I get any additional response from the state lottery officials.
Here are my suggested updated instructions for this game
Scratch off the section labeled “Your Coordinates Top Prize $20,000” This section has the 10 coordinates to scratch off the Jetsons' Grid. Scratch off one at a time the squares on the Jetsons' Grid that correspond to the 10 coordinates you revealed at the top. . If you uncover three of the same symbol on the Jetsons’ Grid, you will win prize indicated in the prize legend. You can win Multiple times on a ticket.
So I am not a sore loser. I am glad to understand the intent of the game.
Certainly this is an example where just a few words off on a few instructions along with unclear graphics could lead people astray. I am good natured about the issue, people do make mistakes all the time. But this is an example where just a few changes in some instructions could really make or break a person's day.
I know that the Oregon Lottery would not intend to confuse, so its only a matter a time that they will correct the issue, especially if they here more feedback on confusing games.
No doubt you may experienced this yourself at some time. Have you taken the time to write a short note to point out such issues?
I hope that if you do play a scratcher ticket, that you win all the rules, implied, direct or indirect.
I never expected to write about a non winning ticket. But you never know what you will come across to discuss on communication issues.
All the best
Saturday, January 27, 2007
Body Language of Animals Do they Translate?
Body Language of Animals Do they Translate?
I know we try to see humanity in all different things of life. Humanizing animals is an example where we can relate to the animal in some way as we translate actions or behaviors they do in a way that would make sense to us if we were wearing their "body suit".
I have a duck named Daisy who cares to share my backyard of my home. She has quite a personality. ( I say this right after the preceding paragraph) There are a number of routines she goes through. She seems to for example have quite a "thing" for the Australian Sheep dog named Max. Well he looks like a large duck, except he has two extra legs, fur, a nose which doesn't quite look like a yellow bill, and he weighs around 75 pounds. Otherwise he looks like a duck! ( At least I think that is what Daisy tells me) I see her frequently paddling after Max, trying to give him a poke in the posterior or try to settle down and sun her self by Max. Max the dog has at times tolerated this behavior, but I swear if he thinks he is being observed... He has to leave and act as if it is an insult. (Is this all my perception, or is he really getting prepared for dog poker such as described in an earlier post?)
Daisy lately has been going through a morning routine of standing upright and performing an odd little march, walk or strut. She would look more like a penguin if she waddled. But this walk is straight and true. So one day I had the honor capturing her on film with her little act. She is now posted on and So long after she passes into the next realm, her walk can be enjoyed by everyone out there.
Daisy does her job providing entertainment every day. Whether or not the audience is watching or not. I suppose that is a lesson we can learn from a real professional in the business. Sometimes when you post information on the web, you have to assume both extremes.. You are sharing information whether or not the audience is watching.
Goose Stepping Duck
Daisy Duck is a local legend in Southern Oregon. (At Least that is what she told me.) It is rumored that she twirled the baton in traditional mid-western High School Marching band. When interviewed, she only said "QUACK". She still does a great a goose step with or without the baton.