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What channels of Text information do you rely on?
So what? Why would I want to know about that?
Consider what channels of text information do you rely on for your daily information?
Writing appears in so many forms. Most of us read far more that we realize from so many “channels”.
Have you ever considered how much or how little you read in a day? What channels or sources of information that you read that help you make decisions, keep you informed, entertain you or otherwise invoke some emotional response?
It is quite amazing how the written word continues to find new routes to your brain!
Tracing the history of written and oral communications shows how in many ways we continue to find new ways to share the written word. Once a process works; it seems that we really never drop that communication channel. Over time the format may change, but we really do not drop a channel, rather we may redress it or update it if there is a more efficient means of sharing such information.
The ability to read and write is probably one of our greatest group achievements in human history. This amazing process which is so often taken for granted, has given every person who has mastered such skills the ability to share thoughts with people from around the world and from any time! Quite breathtaking if you consider how much you may have learned from people who will never meet!
Writing and reading are extremely versatile tools. Such tools can be used and abused. We can use group awareness to correct such abuse as long as the skills and opportunity to freely publish your own content exist.
Every Person has a different life. How does this apply to me?
Well I have a simple answer. You have the solution in your very own hands and mind.
If you are curious about what channels of information you most rely on for you daily mental feeding, consider creating a personal record of a week or two of your daily reading activities. Do this documentation of your activities on the spot if you have the discipline. If you don’t have such discipline, at least once days write a note to yourself of what you read and from where. You might be surprised over the course of that week how many different places you picked up information.
So now I know where I pick up information. How is that important to me?
Awareness of your reading habits is critical to understanding in many ways how you form opinions of the people, surroundings, and events of your life. Such opinions can direct you down different “roads” of life. So in many ways understanding more about your information sources help you pick the right road for your life!
People write for many reasons. Certainly influencing a person’s thoughts is a good reason. Understanding the source and “channel” of these writings may better prepare you to understand the reasons why you see the specific message.
Now that I know that I read too much information from bubble gum wrappers… What do I do now?
Sorry. I had to say that. I remember as a young child enjoying reading the latest news about the green army men and their wars on the inside of the bubble gum wrappers, along with the latest offers of buying a green army man toy chest if I sent “X” amount in cash with “Y“ many bubble gum wrappers. Education and marketing at the same time! Yippie!
Once you have found what your sources of information you rely on or simply absorb, decide if your time is well spent relying on that channel of information. Do you have friends who always seem better informed about certain topics than you are? Ask them where they get their information. You may be surprised on their answers. Without your active control of your readership, you will find that others are making decisions of what you read.
After you have reviewed what you read on a daily basis. Consider if these sources are the best for your interest. You may find it’s a job looking for other sources of information other than what is handed to you, but will find such research will bring new ideas into your life.
Taking it from there.
Now you noticed that I was very general in terms of what channels of information that you read information.
It would be cheating for me to list any in this article. Certainly as I write this posting a veritable cloud floats over my head of the obvious and not so obvious examples. I certainly plan to write more specifics about these channels in future postings.
May the written word be your friend!
[babtlk: /Infochan/Aware!/Many Sources*
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